Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Using Trampoline to Burn Fat

There are many different exercises that can work for you. The ideal thing, of course, is for you to follow your own instincts, your own timetable, and your own way of doing things. Still, it is often helpful to have some suggested programs from which to choose.
Reaching Your Time Goals
Jumping is naturally fun and easy, and for these reasons it is possible for many people to keep on trampolines past the point where they would give up on most other health and wellness practices. This is true both with respect to the number of minutes bounced in any individual session, and with respect to coming back to the trampoline for four, five, six, or even seven sessions a week.
Although you may not receive quite the same aerobic and cardio benefits if you undertake shorter sessions several times a day, you will still get most of the benefits of trampoline jumping by reaching your minimum daily time goal. Some resources suggest that if you have an illness, it is better to do several shorter sessions each day, because each session will give you an immune system, illness fighting, boost whose peak lasts for a few hours to receive the many benefits that trampoline jumping offers.
Warm Up, Work Hard, Cool Down
You obviously don't want to just jump into the hardest part of your session without warming up first. Similarly, at the end of the session it probably makes sense to cool down for a bit. The idea here, then, is to start slowly, warm yourself up, work progressively harder until you are at the most intense part of your trampoline workout, then step it down a bit, warm down a bit, and then cool down the rest of the way.

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