Monday, August 23, 2010

Safety spa tips

If you have perfectly got acquainted through the reimbursements of the Jacuzzi’s (ג'קוזי) and Spa systems (מערכות ספא), here are some of the safety tips –

1. The very first thing you need to uphold the water balance and sanitizer it. You should make sure that the water been utilized is healthy and free form all the harmful organisms. Sanitizer levels, TA and pH can be examined by using the suitable test strips.

2. The chemicals or the compounds used for the cleaning of spa should be stored at the cool and dry place and away from direct sunlight. Always remember to read and follow the direction printed on the labels of the substances being used for the cleaning and maintenance of the spas.

3. It is not advisable to put away the alcohol and drugs in the spas as the hot water lean towards to swell the effects of the alcohol and drugs.

4. Normally the temperature of the water of the spa should be set to 104 degree at maximum otherwise it may tend to increase the water temperature of your body and prove harmful to your health.

5. The recommended soaking time for sap should not be more than 15 minutes. But the person suffering from high or low blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease or any other fatal disease should consult the physician before entering into the spa.

6. Pregnant women are not recommended to enter into the spas without the proper consult of the physician.

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